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Movies and music scores
Have you ever watched a really sad movie or scene in either a movie or TV series that has left you feeling so emotional and reaching for the tissues?
Come on, admit it, of course you have. I’ve always found it fascinating that it’s not really the the visual actually that makes us break, it’s the soundtrack.
I’ve recently rewatched the 1989 movie Steel Magnolias and it occurred to me that it wasn’t until the music played at Shelby’s funeral that my tear ducts ruptured.
Is it because it activates something inside of us I wonder that puts us almost in the scene ourselves.
I like listening to the director commentary on the dvd and hearing it from a director’s point of view too.
There are so many sad movies I’ve seen that I either avoid watching again because I don’t have the emotional stability for it.
But it’s interesting that it is actually the music score that triggers the tears. Try muting or tuning down the volume the next time you see a sad scene coming up and you’ll find that as you watch the same scene with no music it is actually less emotional.
Maybe I’m just a softie and cry easily but I’ve actually noticed it. Of course there’s nothing wrong with having a good cry. We seemed to live in a world where it’s discouraged so we bottle it up.
And for me, there’s no better way to have that release watching a sad movie